Visit our Track Orders page for detailed information on your orders, including order details, shipping information, tracking numbers, and expected delivery dates.

To change or cancel your order after it has been placed, please contact the store you purchased from as soon as possible. If the order has already shipped, it may need to be processed as a return after it is delivered to you. To view your store’s contact information, please go to the Contact Us page.

When Borderfree receives confirmation that your order has been processed by the store, we send you an “Order Confirmation” email. If you do not receive this email within two business days, please contact the store you purchased from. To view your store’s contact information, please go to the Contact Us page.

When you place an order with a Borderfree store, you should receive an “Order Received” email from [email protected] within one business day. If you have not received this email, please contact the Borderfree Customer Care team. Need our contact information? Please go to the Contact Us page.

Your order number appears in the order-related emails you receive from Borderfree, such as the “Shipment Confirmation” email. If you cannot find your order number, please contact the store you purchased from, and they can assist you. To view your store’s contact information, please go to the Contact Us page.

For questions about modifying, cancelling, returning, or exchanging your order, or to report damaged goods or incorrect items in your package, please contact the store you purchased from. To view your store’s contact information, please go to the Contact Us page.

Just add items to your basket and then check out. Borderfree calculates and displays the order total in your preferred currency, including all shipping costs to your selected international destination, as well as any applicable duties and taxes.

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